Flower Power

My youngest daughter graduated from College of Charleston in 2010 and then Charleston School of Law in May of 2013. We were the proudest and most excited parents there…….or so I thought at the time. Following the graduation ceremony Kaitlyn  took us around to meet some friends.  I know you’ve already guessed by now but we were introduced to another graduate, Thomas Dingle and his family with his mom front and center. And that’s how Becky and I met. Kaitlyn introduced Tommy as her “friend” but in a hot minute we knew that was an understatement. Becky/Boo had the biggest smile you could imagine on her face just as she almost always did.  We all celebrated the graduates with their new degrees and their entrance to the world of jurisprudence.

Graduation marked the beginning of our wonderful friendship and the real acquaintance of my new “sister” Becky/Boo.  Actually,  my younger sister is also named Becky so sometimes it was a little confusing!  We celebrated many of the family holidays together even though we still lived in Chattanooga until 2020. One of the most exciting celebrations was Tommy and Kaitlyn’s wedding in May 2017 where Becky really rocked the dance floor. In 2020 Tommy and Kaitlyn bought the firm where they began their Law/legal careers.  More celebrating! Our children were our connection in the beginning but we had so many other things in common. For instance we both liked white wine especially when drinking it at a nice restaurant courtesy of our youngest children. Football season called for the orange jersey of your chose (Clemson for her and Tennessee for me.)  Next to our children/grandchildren we loved flower gardens. 

In  October of 2021 I decided to do something interesting for the fall and upcoming holidays so The Pumpkin Patch was born. Pumpkins dressed in succulents for lots of friends and neighbors including  Becky wanted a white pumpkin and I obliged.  She loved that pumpkin more than any floral arrangement or potted plant I ever made for her with the exception of Christmas 2023. Becky kept the first pumpkin for over a year. No Kidding. She used it for decoration and made it fit in for every occasion you can imagine. An entire year it remained intact in her Living room until one day it didn’t. I hope we can find a few of those photos to include so you will know I’m not just making this up. New pumpkins every year until October of 2023. Becky became very ill in the latter part of 2023 and eventually moved to Mandys following a trip to Edisto Beach with her best friends, the Ya’s.

After a few weeks at Mandy’s it was decided more comfort and care was needed and the move  to her new apartment at The Palms in Mount Pleasant. In the beginning Becky wasn’t sure she wanted to make that move but it soon became another Chapter in her life.  As she crossed this bridge her spirits began to improve as well as her health.

She became enchanted and loved her new apartment. It was like starting anew for her.  Her apartment was decorated with new furniture (to her) and bedding, towels and rugs.  Her most adored artwork came with her  and donned the walls of her new home. Family photos, landscapes, pics with her friends and the most cherished remembrance she carried in her arms was the portrait of her Mother.  She made it feel so warm, inviting and full of good memories.  She regained some of her strength and went shopping for new clothes. They all knew her at Chico’s.  Always up early and dressed every day she didn’t want to miss a minute.  Life was better but not quite fulfilling.  She missed her garden and beautiful flowers. And so the quest began. She had plants, a tree , wreaths, cut flowers and all kinds of decorations.  She wanted a planter full of Christmas bulbs and blooms and loved watching them grow every day. She sent me daily photos of the growing amaryllis  and the changes in the blooms as they filled out and snuggled together. (Pictured below)

Spring gave us even more opportunities and her garden was moved to the patio. The patio garden was filled with lots of pots and planters full of color bathing in the early warmth of the sun.  She was thrilled when Big and Little Red, the awesome red geraniums she had nurtured for many years,  made the journey from  Summerville to take up residence just outside her large glass patio door. She was really delighted to be able to go out and sit on her patio when she was feeling good and the weather cooperated. If not, she sat on her sofa and enjoyed the view snug in her beautiful and warm blankets.

Now that Becky was in Mt. Pleasant it became easier for her family and many of her friends to visit.   She entertained us all with stories, shared photo’s
and her outlook on life, football, kids, her favorite authors and trips she had made.  I loved listening to all her stories, everyone did. I think she was a legend.
Everyone that knew her loved her. She was so interesting and expressive.  I consider it a privilege to have known her, to learn from her and to give her beauty to enjoy along the way. Sometimes all we can do is hold hands with each other, say thank you, and I love you as we walk each other home.

About Legally Ohm

Learning about love and life with my puppy dogs and husband through mindfulness, yoga, and mixed with a little bit of law.
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2 Responses to Flower Power

  1. Legally Ohm says:

    Thank you for your wonderful tribute mom 💜

  2. Cynthia Ashley says:

    Thanks for your memories. Every day I miss her blog. I was lucky to visit her at the Palms while she had gained some of her strength. I treasure those memories.

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