Monthly Archives: August 2018

Traveling Through Life with “Soft Eyes”

(Anne supplied me with “sky” landscape scenes from Dingle, Ireland….they are all so beautiful I couldn’t choose just one so I narrowed it down to three and will share them all…enough to “soften” anyone’s eyes!) Dear Reader: Ralph Waldo Emerson … Continue reading

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“Remember No is an Answer”

Dear Reader: I realize that ‘Christmas in July‘ has become a popular marketing trend in recent years…but August? However, when I came across this December Guidepost 2001 classic (true) story by one of my favorite authors (Madeleine L’Engle) I thought, in … Continue reading

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Creating a “Crayola” Garden

  Dear Reader: Isn’t it strange how some things just pop our of our mouths and it is only later that we realize what we said was right on target? I returned one last time, Saturday morning, to Ace Hardware … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Two things happened yesterday to remind me, once again, that we are never alone in the universe but, instead, connected to all life that exists within. We are blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. Vicki, a new fellow blogger … Continue reading

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“Red Flower will grow new Leaves and Buds…and so will we, so will we!”

Dear Reader: I told “Big Red” good-bye yesterday. It was tough to pull that last (“plug”) stem but a human analogy would be that “Big Red” had ceased taking in nourishment for several weeks…the last stem had started turning black, … Continue reading

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Why I Drive a Green Car…

Dear Reader: I actually had my green 2007  Saturn Vue when Honey sent me this story about a green car story she saw in one of the mountain newspapers and knew I would love the article because I loved my … Continue reading

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The Five Minute Daily Miracle Gift

Dear Reader: When I went to type in a five minute daily devotional that I read some days (yesterday)…I hurriedly just typed ‘five minute day’ and instead of the devotional popping up….a quote from Wayne Dryer did and it said: … Continue reading

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A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.

Dear Reader: The most wonderful thing about being with a grandchild is how the simplest conversation can turn into an important lesson in kindness. One thought can transform an entire day into a valuable life lesson. Eva Cate decided that … Continue reading

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The Runaway Balloon

Dear Reader: Yesterday was just one of those church services where you are glad you were there to experience the warmth and camaraderie of the “old time religion” music and personal storytelling sermon that touched each of our hearts by … Continue reading

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Living the Life We Imagined… Now… With Love

Dear Reader: Yesterday was set aside to catch up on some correspondence with people I admire who are going through some tough times now. As I was looking through my note card boxes I found this small box of note … Continue reading

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